Saturday, August 14, 2010


I realize this post will probably get lost into my blog with the next few days of posting about Snoh's visit, but I need to write it anyway for myself.

This last week my half-marathon training had fallen off the deep-end.  I missed my long run on Saturday last week and then didn't run again until Thursday night.  I've modified this next's week schedule to catch myself back to where I should be to run 13.1 miles on 10/10/10.  And that meant today I had to run 5 miles!

I did it in 50:52!

I got home and updated my facebook status to read this: "‎5 miles in 50:52! Pretty darn proud of that time, especially since that's the farthest I've ever ran in my entire life and that I didn't walk a single step. Although parts of it were hard I never thought about walking, that is what I'm most proud of! 10/10/10 is right around the corner and I'll be ready!!!"

I am super stoked about my time, especially since when I checked it just about every .5 mile, it seemed like I was a lot slower than 5 minute 1/2 miles, but I'm much more proud about not wanting to walk!  I could have gone farther too, my body definitely still had gas left, which I never feel like when I run in the morning. 

I don't care on 10/10/10 if it takes me 3 hours to finish that 13.1 miles, I will not walk a step!  Back to hard-core running for MaryBeth.  Now if I could just stop wanting sweets, so I could be losing a little bit of weight :)

1 comment:

  1. Right on!!! I have fallen off the deep end with my training too- have to run my 5 miles today to make up for missing this last weekend. Keep up the good work!
