Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Tree

I had high hopes of putting up our tree before our vacation, but packing always takes more time than I expect, so we did it when we got home.

Marcel isn't a fan of putting up/decorating the tree, but he helped his mom do her tree, and as a way to start our own traditions, he was happy to help this year :)

It has ornaments on it now, but we took the picture to see if I was happy with the lights, which I don't think I am, but I won't fix them now.  One day I'll update this post with a picture of our decorated tree, which Lilli is fascinated with.  She didn't go near the tree last year, but after just 2 days she's decided she likes the ornaments and presents!


This year, we headed to Puyallup to spend Thanksgiving with Marcel's family.  I wish I could say it was an uneventful trip, but that isn't the case.

Our 8 hour drive took us 12 hours because Snoqualmie Pass was closed for avalanche prevention work.  We didn't know that is why it was closed until we were stopped on the freeway amidst a million other cars trying to get somewhere for Thanksgiving.  It is absolutely miserable to be on the freeway with your car in the parked position (yet still running just to stay warm) for 2 hours, only to get to go a few miles, before being stopped for another hour, while having to go to the bathroom more than you have ever needed to go.  Of course, pretty much the only bathroom where we were knew they were the only gas station and thus limited their bathroom to paying customers only.  You better believe those were the best Hot Tamales I've ever had :)

Luckily for us, we had a camera with fully charged batteries, so Marcel took lots of pictures trying out different features on our new camera.
 I like this picture because it actually looks like the snow is falling.  I didn't think there was that much snow, but I guess I'm not in charge of avalanche prevention, so maybe it really was a lot of snow
 Thank goodness our car has a power outlet, because I nearly drained Marcel's computer battery while playing solitaire.  We tried using the time for talking, but really ran out of things to talk about ;)

The very next day I went to Old Navy for their save additional 50% off clearance prices and when I got home we had a flat tire.  In the rain (because don't forget we were in Washington!), Marcel changed our tire.  I'd never learned how to change a tire, but I honestly think I could do it now just from watching him.  We drove with our spare tire to Sears, where we bought the tires, only to find out they had a 5 hour wait.  It was the day before Thanksgiving and they had 1 guy working, at least that is what Marcel reported to me.  We drove sort of aimlessly (well with okay directions from the Sears guy) through Puyallup until we landed upon Les Schwab.  Our tire was fixed for a fee all while we enjoyed lunch at McDonald's.

After that, our trip went well.  We enjoyed delicious food, even though I don't care much for Thanksgiving or its food, besides my chocolate pudding pie, played plenty of games with Snoh and even more solitaire.  Something we didn't do was take a single picture!

I was bound and determined not to go home via that evil pass again even if the weather report was good, because we didn't think we'd run into weather on the way there.  That means going through Portland and once I checked with Amy & Kelly about having Saturday morning free to meet up, there was no way my mind was being changed; we were going through Portland.

We had a delicious breakfast with Amy & Kelly and even got to see where Amy lives.  It was so nice to be able to spend just an hour or so together and catch up.  It is wonderful to remember that even though we may not talk to each other often enough, when we do it is like no time has passed and we're just as close as we ever were.  That is something I am thankful for :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


My Halloween celebrations started a few weeks ago with a trip to the pumpkin patch with Lilli and our church's Mommy & Me group (yes, they understand Lilli isn't actually my child!).  We got there early and she kept saying "Wanna go pumpkin patch."  And every day after when we talked about Halloween it was all about "pumpkin patch"
waiting for our friends
a little boy we went with did this and then Lilli wanted a turn, which was fine except she doesn't like getting her picture taken anymore.  She is WAY more interested in seeing the picture after it has been taken
No pictures of the actual pumpkin patch, because the terrain was so bumpy for Lilli's little legs, but it still wore her out
Lilli didn't want to get a pumpkin because they were so dirty, so I just chose one for her and promised her we'd give it a bath when we got home...

Then Marcel and I redeemed our LivingSocial voucher and visited Linder Farms.  Before we went to the farm, we went to our favorite place to eat in Oregon, that finally came to Idaho: Chipotle!!  It was very bit as delicious as I remember it but I'm very grateful that it is in Boise so it isn't so easy for us to go there :)  I think going to Linder Farms will be our October tradition as long as we're in Idaho.  We had a great time getting lost in the maze but still finding all the checkpoints.  We also visited the petting zoo. 
Trying to replicate the photo from last year...
but I like the ghostly lightig of this one better :)

Baby zebra
and the highlight of the visit: the baby kangaroo.

However, Marcel has always asked, mostly serious, if he could have a kangaroo.  Naturally, he asked the trainer all sorts of questions and learned we'd only have to travel to right outside of Las Vegas to get one and that if they are raised around people, they are actually very people friendly.  Now Marcel is convinced there is no reason for us not to have one :)

We also carved pumpkins but we took pictures with my new camera and I have yet to download the software I need to put the pictures onto the computer.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

26 Days of Birthday

This year I celebrate my golden birthday: turning 26 on the 26th and gave Marcel the challenge to give me 26 gifts.  He was forced to get pretty creative, however, because we don't have it in the budget for him to go buy something for each day...
I started the month by keeping track of everything I received, but after a few days I forgot to keep doing it, but to the best of my memory, I was treated to:

Breakfast in bed, Moxie Java, sleeping in, a movie in the theater, Hot Tamales and a note taped to the front door waiting for me when I got home from work, a milk shake, a Snickers bar, plenty of chores being done, a BSU shirt, a beautiful flower arrangement.  I know that wasn't 26 things but there really was 26 things...

We celebrated my actual birthday with a trip to Outback.  After a month of celebrations, Outback was in our budget thanks to a free dinner coupon and a giftcard :)

We've been terrible about taking pictures lately, but a birthday was the perfect excuse to start taking them again!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dear Marcel


I hope your first day of school went well today.  I've loved the time I have gotten to spend with you as you walk around the classroom trying to decide if everything is just perfect.  Those 90+ kids are so lucky to have you as their teacher!

I'm so proud of how hard you have worked to get to this day.  It wasn't always a bump-free ride but we made it here together and now you are doing what you've always wanted to do.  How many people get to do that?

Thank you for continually putting me ahead of everything else on your over flowing plate.  It means the world to me!


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

River, Park, Sleeping & Ice Skating

Wow, I need to blog after every picture worthy happening, instead of having to combine so many things into one super lost post.  Here goes nothing!
Marcel got a job and we decided to celebrate.  We floated the Boise River, something I hadn't done since high school and something we'd never done together.  It was a great afternoon spent together just talking.  We also discovered that I'm the worst paddler ever.  Well, I can paddle just fine if Marcel tells me what direction to paddle.  I can't paddle on my own to keep us from running into trees and rocks.

A few Friday's ago, Marcel and I took Lilli swimming at the pool in my mom's subdivision.  It didn't last long before she needed a major diaper changing, so once we were done, we stopped at their little park.  She climbed to the top to go down the slide but then never would go down it, but she loved the binoculars and kept saying "I see you".

Lilli isn't really smiling (maybe we had told her it was time to go) but I love this picture!

We took Lilli with us to Marcel's classroom to start getting things set-up.  I thought I wouldn't get anything done because she was there and would want too much attention, but she was actually very helpful, so helpful in fact that she barely made it out of the parking lot before falling asleep...

 Saturday, August 20th was teacher appreciation day, and Marcel went and was appreciated.  A bag full of wonderful classroom supplies!

That same day was also free ice skating day, and you better believe we went.  It was free, after all, and that definitely fits in our budget :)  Just like when we went roller skating, I really struggled at first, but eventually got the hang of it.  Marcel, of course, is like a professional, especially compared to me.

Tomorrow is September 1st and that is the day I officially start counting down the days until my birthday.  And this year it is my golden birthday.  I think that is cause for a extra big celebration!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Mr. Bailey and other news

As of about 10:30am this morning, Marcel signed his very first teaching contract!!

The day of Hannah's wedding, her photographer told us the school she worked at had a part-time band teacher position open.  She gave us the email address that would get his resume directly into the right hands.  His resume went in Saturday, and even without the application they sent back to him to complete being done, he had an interview yesterday morning.  Only about 3 hours later, he was offered and accpeted the position.

We're very happy about this position and now that it is just right for Marcel at this time.  It serves as yet another reminder that God does have a plan for us.  When we felt like we needed to turn down the job he was offered in Boise, it was hard and neither of us understood it, but now all the pieces of our puzzle (at least in regards to Marcel's employment) fit together!

In other news, here is what we've been up to, at least what we have pictures to show for.  And yes, some of them are very old!

We met Marcel's mom in Kennewick after having Snoh for 3 weeks.  We have always talked about being able to take a drive when we're not in a hurry to get to where we're going or coming home, so on the way home we decided to stop at the viewpoint near Pendelton.  It was so beautiful!  On a side note, while driving with Snoh, he said, "Hey, we're in the desert.  I think I'm going to see the pyramids soon."  He wasn't too bummed when we informed him that we weren't going to Egypt!

We saw Harry Potter 7, Part 2 and LOVED it, after Marcel had to tell the people in front of us to stop talking.  Really, they were having a full on conversation.  We waited until after the movie for our picture, but still Marcel didn't want a flash, so you can't really see either of us.  This same day we enjoyed PF Changs & TGI Friday's appetizers with some wonderful coupons!

We went to the Boys & Girls Club night at the Boise Hawks game with free tickets Marcel got at work.  It had been a long time since I'd seen a baseball game and we had a great time.

And Miss Lilli has become quite the reader, even wanting to read Marcel's super boring sound tech magazines.  Even more, she's become quite the posing queen.  I only had her 1 day this week and Marcel and I are both missing her like crazy. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Burkdoll Wedding

On August 5th, my baby, but grown-up, sister, Hannah, got married.  Her and Matt spent a whole week in town and we had a blast:

Monday night, we had a bridal shower, but somehow managed not to take a single picture.

On Tuesday, we went go-carting,

and played mini-golf

and "drove" race cars

Wednesday night, we threw Hannah a Bachelorette party at my mom's house, because her i.d. was lost the night before
(it was found again the last night she was in town)

Could we look any less alike?


We were kinda sad about not being able to go out, but we had fun nonetheless!

Thursday night, we had a rehearsal and dinner


The soon-to-be Mr. & Mrs.
After the rehearsal the girls all stayed at my house for the night so Hannah and Matt didn't see each other before they took pictures.  Friday morning started early, with the boys playing golf and the girls decorating.  I kept saying how unfair that the boys do fun stuff while the girls work all day, but it worked out, because Hannah was up getting her hair done by the time the boys got back.  Mariah, Hannah's second grade teacher and the official photographer was great at capturing Matt's first look at Hannah!


The girls!
Not the official one, but we needed some for facebook right away :)

It was such a beautiful ceremony.  I cried as soon as I saw her walking down the aisle, but having to look into Matt's tear filled eyes made it impossible to stop!

The next day, we watched them open all their gifts.  Most people were very considerate of their wishes of no gifts because of having a 20+ hour drive back to Kansas, but they still got some great stuff and it almost all fit into their car.
We're so happy for you two!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Days 13-18

Well these would be way more exciting if I was still taking pictures and did them every day like last summer. 
Since my last post we have:
  • Gone swimming in Wende Lady's pool 3 times.  We went on Saturday with Wende, on Monday with some of Don's great nieces during the 4th of July party, and we just went today with Wende & Lilli
  • Went to the car races.  Snoh seemed to like them because him and Marcel always picked which car was going to win by the number on the car.  I didn't like it because the smell of their brakes made me feel sick and gave me a killer headache
  • Had a party at Wende Lady's for 4th of July.  There were a lot of people, tons of food and just 2 little girls to play with
  • Spent another day with Marcel at work.  He even had a chance to go on the field trip but chose to stay at the club because his group was going to have computer time
Also, after the car races we stopped by my dad's house and Snoh got to borrow the Shrek 3 Wii game.  Whenever he has his "electronic" time that game is on the top of his list.

He told me tonight that he's sad to have only 1 more day with Lilli, and that he doesn't want to leave our house because he misses us when he's in Washington.

Oh, and just for memory sake, a few nights ago when getting tucked into bed, Snoh told Marcel that he was going to make a great parent.  Talk about warming my heart :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Days 9-12

Wow, I have gotten a little bit behind.  My excuse goes something like this...

Marcel gets home between 6:30-7pm each night and most of the time Snoh & I have yet to eat dinner, there isn't much time for a lot of fun and games before Snoh's bedtime.  Then Marcel and I watch some tv, usually West Wing, which I love but seems to make me very sleepy.  On second thought, it may not be the show that put me to sleep, but the actually having 5 minutes to sit nice and still on the couch to relax some.

Tuesday--Snoh went with Brother to work and LOVED it.  When he got home, the first thing he told me was "man, I'm poofed."  I didn't tell him that I thought it was "pooped"

Wednesday--Snoh & Lilli had a great hour with Wende Lady while I had a doctor appointment.  I was planning on taking them by myself but when I found out I might have had to have lab work done, I called in back-up.  Plus, they loved her being in charge.  I never would have given them candy at 10:30am.  That night Snoh & I went to the God & Country Festival, which I had never been to before.  Marcel had been there since about 9am helping with all the set-up, sound checks and whatever else has to happen before at least 3 bands can put on a concert.  Snoh was excited to go all day, but it didn't really hold his interest much.  I wanted to leave early after realizing that but Snoh heard there were going to be fireworks and didn't want to leave.  The last band, The Afters, sang part of I've Gotta Feeling, which I'd say is Snoh's favorite song so that made his night.  But about 10:30pm he fell asleep and even with 3 or 4 hard attempts at waking him up, he missed the whole fireworks show. 

Thursday--Even with being up until 10:30 (and then awake enough to walk to the car which took about 30 minutes) he was still up before 7:30, which shocked me.  We went about our normal day, which included him being very upset at me because he couldn't use electronics.  We ended up playing soccer & tag in the backyard for a few minutes before I heard the neighbor boys next door.  We went to see them and Snoh was beyond excited to have made friends.  One of the little boys and Snoh decided that they already knew each other because they went to preschool together.  Where do they come up with this stuff?  He came home to eat dinner (pancakes, finally!) but I'm not sure his bottom even touched the chair and then played some more!

Friday--Marcel had already promised Snoh this would be the day he could go back to the club, and lucky for me Lilli was out of town so I had an entire kid-free day!  I slept in until about 8:30 (oh, how I remember the good ol' days when that was getting up early), enjoyed some tv shows I wanted to watch, took a nap, stayed on the couch all day curled under a blanket, played on the computer a bit, and didn't do a single productive thing.  IT WAS WONDERFUL!!

I'll try to be better next week about taking pictures and posting, but again I make no promises :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 8

Not much out of the ordinary today.

I need to get better about taking our outside time in the morning before it gets too hot.  I think it was in the mid 90's today, so 2pm outside time isn't quite as fun.  But we did get to enjoy otter pops outside on the blanket (easiest picnic ever!) and play a little bit of soccer.  Also, we found a new way to enjoy our sidewalk chalk:

This side of our house is completely shaded, so we drew on the foundation!

Days 5, 6 & 7

Friday we had a great day.  The morning started with some music with Marcel.

Then we headed to Wende Lady's work for a "Safety Day."  There wasn't too much on safety, but we did go on a tour of the plant, which was WAY too long for the kids but they suffered through knowing what was coming after lunch.  They took a picture of all the kids in their personal protective equipment (PPE); here's my version:

On the dryers

Playing with clean and dirty seeds.  Snoh was the only one who wore his hard hat & safety goggles throughout the entire tour.

After the tour we ate lunch and spent some time watching a forklift rodeo before the carnival.  We enjoyed the cake walk, but not as much as Lilli!

Snoh was great at donut on a string!

He also got to sit on a forklift...

...and spray a fire hose

Also, we went through the fire truck, got to put out a fire using a real fire extinguisher.  Snoh can tell you that you use PASS to remember what to do. 
P: Pull the pin
A: Aim
S: Squeeze
S: Sweep

He also got to plant a bean seed, now let's just hope we can keep it alive :)

Saturday, I have no idea what Snoh did.  I got out of bed and had breakfast with Snoh & Marcel and then went back to bed and slept all day long!  It was wonderful and would have only been better if it wouldn't have been because I am sick. 

Sunday, we had a great time at church.  Snoh even had to go to Sunday School twice, because I started teaching Sunday School in the preschool classroom today.  After we had lunch, I left the boys home and did some grocery shopping.  It was so nice to get out of the house all alone :)

Later in the evening we went to our church home group for a BBQ.  We ate delicious food, had fun playing croquet, and just hanging out.  Snoh did great playing with the girls (no other boys were there until the very end).  They jumped on the trampoline, played on the swingset and had a water gun/water balloon fight.