This morning, at approximately 6am, I woke up to Marcel yelling something and running out of bed towards the living room. It was like an emergency, and the first thing that ran through my still sleepy mind was that someone was breaking in! Well, he came back to the bedroom saying, "That was the call!" In was indeed the call, he received his first call to sub in the Vallivue School District, but since he had forgot to bring it into our room to charge like we do every night (I honestly don't remember the last time he hasn't done that) he missed the call. He then logged into the system online and found 3 jobs. He accepted the first one he clicked on and after that the other 2 had already been claimed by another substitute.
As he was getting dressed, he kept saying "Mr. Bailey" over and over. I'm sure I gave him a funny look because he said to me, "I have to respond to that when the kids need me."
In celebration for his big first day of school, Marcel asked for a special breakfast. I laughed and said, "I'll make you a special lunch, I'm going back to bed!" I also made him pose for a picture (it isn't the best, but I had already crawled back into bed at this point).
Mr. Bailey's first day is actually a half-day at Desert Springs Elementary School as an instructional aide!
We're very excited about having 2 incomes again, even if it means he goes running out of bed every morning!
That is great!! It's good to hear that you will both be working :)