Friday, May 15, 2009

I've Been Thinking

Since last night's Grey's Anatomy my mind has been running. It was such a good episode in terms of television season finales, and it was also very emotional and relational. I feel pretty sappy that a TV show can affect me like this, but I can't deny it; plus those of you who really know me already know this about me!

Since the day Marcel proposed to me we've prayed to always realize what is really important in the wedding (to us, hardly anything, besides the vows) and that the bigger thing is the marriage. The show made me re-realize a few things:
  • We will forever put the other person's hopes, dreams, desires, needs and wants before our own
  • Life will get messy and we'll face things we never could have dreamed, but God prepares us for all our challenges
  • God brought us together nearly three years ago (1 week shy!) and He'll keep us that way if we keep him in our relationship
  • There are rewards to marriage that you can never imagine until you are experiencing them firsthand
  • I'm blessed to have found Marcel when I did, so that we could experience everything in life together.
  • Marcel loves me more than I ever thought someone could be loved--he told me today that he loves me 85 trillion times more than I love him!
I'm only 15 days away from becoming a wife and am continually praying, not only with Marcel, but in my own prayer time, that as the wedding gets closer and closer I lose focus on the little things and the wedding things, but instead take time to consider the bigger things: the vows we'll be taking when we commit ourselves to each other and finally become husband and wife.

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