Saturday I had a birthday and it was special for 2 reasons: 1) it is always special to have a birthday, 2) it was my first birthday as Mrs. Bailey (I've yet to have anyone call me that out loud, but it would probably freak me out just a little!)
Since Marcel and I have been together we've always planned the other person's birthday. I think that is the only way to do it so that you have plenty of surprises on an already special day!
My day looked like this:
At 9:30am I was no longer able to force myself back to sleep. I told Marcel I wanted to sleep in and at one point in my life that would have meant sleeping until 1pm, 9:30am is great compared to my normal mornings. Plus, our house smelled so good I couldn't stay in bed any longer. I then discovered Marcel had done the cleaning on our list (we keep an ongoing list of what needs cleaned and whoever has time works to get somethings marked off) and made me a birthday cake! I then got served my favorite breakfast of all time: a bowl of cereal--I'm sure it seems so simple to most of you, but I live for cereal in the morning so to be served it, shows me how much I am loved! After lunch, we headed out to see Fame. It was a really great movie that we had both been wanting to see! Then our day led us apart, Marcel had to be at church for worship practice at 3:15pm so I spent a few hours sitting & borrowing internet at Panera Bread before joining him for service at 6pm. After church we headed out to Olive Garden, chosen because it is too far away to go to that often, but a birthday is a perfect excuse and because they have been showing Olive Garden commercials here 24/7 and we got sucked in! Marcel told our waiter it was my birthday, which I knew was going to happen and he managed to gather up a few singers, which was also expected, but Marcel recorded the thing and I was not impressed as you'd be able to tell if I actually uploaded it! Besides that you don't even get a free dessert, not that I really needed it since I had cake waiting for me at home, but I was just a little disappointed.

dinner at Olive Garden
"MB" using 24 candles
This video is only being uploaded because I am not the one singing; be forewarned that in 7 months when we are celebrating Marcel's 23rd birthday there will not be this video on our blog! And I really wish he wouldn't have shown me in the video, but it is better this one than the one from Olive Garden :)
Sunday: birthday festivities continue!
Marcel on worship team = be at church at 8am but Marcel is a perfectionist so we get there about 7:40am, leaving me plenty of time to nap before going to service at 9am (I went a second time because the message didn't sink in through my distracted brain the night before). After teaching Sunday School, I told Marcel that I had vetoed his next birthday plans: ice skating because I wanted a day at home with absolutely nothing to do, so we rented New in Town & Lakeview Terrace, both selected by me since it was still my birthday! Marcel made me a delicious dinner: steak, homemade french fries, and I added white rice.
We are still eating our way through the cake and hope to have it gone soon so I can get back to believing we eat fairly healthy :) All in all a great birthday weekend, even if Marcel thought it was pretty lame, but only in comparision to last year where we spent the weekend at the beach and then got engaged 3 days later. I told him it was still a fantastic weekend and that I'm glad he was saving up his birthday planning skills because next year I'm 25 and I know he's looking forward to throwing some crazy party since I will officially be closer to 30 than 20!